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has been sent with the instruction to proceed with the recovery" }, "logOnView": { "title": "Log On", "logo": "RotaFreeLogOnHeader.png", "usernameLabel": "Username", "usernamePlaceholder": "Username", "passwordLabel": "Password", "passwordPlaceholder": "Password", "rememberMeLabel": "Remember me", "languageLabel": "Language", "okButton": "Ok", "failedTitle": "Access error", "failedMessage": "Wrong sername and/or password", "forgotPasswordButton": "Forgot password", "forgotButton": "Have you lost your password?" }, "productsIndexView": { "title": "Orders", "productHeader": "Product", "noProductHeader": "No product found", "availabilityHeader": "Availability", "priceHeader": "Price", "cartHeader": "Cart", "productCodeHeader": "Code", "productCodeForClientHeader": "Client code", "productNameHeader": "Description", "availabilityMaxHeader": "Q.ty", "availabilityDateHeader": "Extra date", "priceMinQuantityHeader": "From", "priceMaxQuantityHeader": "To", "priceUnitQuantityHeader": "Unit", 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If the error persists contact the administrator.", "discount2": "Extra Discount" }, "orderControllerSave": { "compomac Order Confirmation": "Your order has been successfully submitted" }, "homeIndex": { "title": "RotaFree Web Orders" }, "orderConfirmationView": { "title": "Order confirmation", "clientAndName": "Customer - User", "confirmationParagraph": "", "clientId": "Customer Code", "orderSendCorrectly": "Order sent correctly", "orderHeaderLabel": "Order header", "orderClientId": "Purchare order number", "orderId": "Order number", "dateLabel": "Order date", "notesLabel": "Notes", "orderNotes": "TERM OF PAYMENT, DELIVERY AND FREIGHT AS USUAL", "rowIndex": "Item", "orderDetailLabel": "Order details", "productId": "Product id", "productClientId": "Client product id", "productDescription": "Description", "requestedDeliveryDate": "Requested dispatch date", "quantity": "Quantity", "unitPrice": "Unit price", "discount": "Discount", "netPrice": "Net price", "detailPrice": "Price", "extraDiscount": "Extra Discount" }, "orderDeleteView": { "title": "", "confirmationParagraph": "", "orderHeaderLabel": "", "clientAndName": "", "clientId": "", "orderClientId": "", "orderId": "", "dateLabel": "", "orderDetailLabel": "", "rowIndex": "", "productId": "", "productClientId": "", "productDescription": "", "unitPrice": "", "discount": "", "extraDiscount": "", "netPrice": "", "quantity": "", "detailPrice": "", "requestedDeliveryDate": "", "notesLabel": "", "orderNotes": "" }, "availabilityIndexView": { "title": "Availability", "productHeader": "Product", "noProductHeader": "No product found", "availabilityHeader": "Availability", "productCodeHeader": "Code", "productCodeForClientHeader": "Client code", "productNameHeader": "Description", "availabilityMaxHeader": "Q.ty", "availabilityDateHeader": "Extra date", "quantityOver": "Over", "articleComboBoxLabel": "Article code", "articleTextBoxLabel": "Article code", "searchLabel": "Search" }, "sharedUnauthorizedView": { "title": "Not authorized", "notAuthorized": "Your account is not authorized to access this page" }, "offLineIndex": { "title": "Site Offline", "text": "The site is currently offline during the scheduled data transfer procedure.
We'll be back online in a few minutes." }, "availabilityIndexHelp": { "title": "Availability", "row1": "Select the type of clamping element", "row2": "Each line indicates:", "row3": "RotaFree’s product code", "row4": "Customer’s product code (if known)", "row5": "the description", "row6": "the available quantity", "row7": "The earliest dispatch date for quantity over the one available" }, "productsIndexHelp": { "title": "Orders", "row1": "Select the type of clamping element", "row2": "Each line indicates:", "row3": "RotaFree’s product code", "row4": "Customer’s product code (if known)", "row5": "the description", "row6": "the available quantity", "row7": "The earliest dispatch date for quantity over the one available", "row8": "The unit price , based on the quantity , eventual discount and net price", "row9": "Clicking on cart button, you can insert the quantity and the needed dispatch time in the small form.", "row10": "Confirming with OK, the inserted information will appear on the line.", "row11": "These information can be modified selecting the button cart again", "row12": "The cancellation is possible from the menu cart" }, "cartIndexHelp": { "title": "Cart", "row1": "Allows the elimination of a single line as the elimination of the total purchases", "row2": "If the inserted information are correct, press the button \"SEND ORDER\".", "row3": "In the next screen you must enter the order number", "row4": "The number must be unique and is checked among the recent orders and among the old ones", "row5": "You can also add special notes.", "row6": "With the button \"Submit order\" the data are registered and the user who placed the order will receive the order confirmation by email" }, "orderIndexHelp": { "title": "Order history", "row1": "Recent orders", "row2": "They are the last inserted orders", "row3": "The presence of the button \"X\" indicates that the order can be deleted, as it’s not transferred in the RotaFree data base yet", "row4": "The sending mail for cancellation is not planned", "row5": "Previous orders", "row6": "The orders from the last three months can be seen by decreasing date order.", "row7": "You can activate several search filters:", "row8": "order status (open / closed)", "row9": "Number and date of order", "row10": "Shipment date", "row11": "RotaFree’s product code / customer" }, "orderControllerDelete": { "compomac Order Delete": "" }, "recoveryInstructionsView": { "title": "Password recovery instructions", "salute": "Hello
we've just received a request to reset the password for an account connected to this email.", "ignore": "If you didn't start the reset process, you can safely ignore this email.", "link": "Click on the following link to set a new password (or copy the URL directly into your browser):" }, "resetPasswordView": { "title": "Reset password", "languageLabel": "Language", "usernameLabel": "Username", "usernamePlaceholder": "Username", "tokenLabel": "Username", "tokenPlaceholder": "Token", "passwordLabel": "New password", "passwordPlaceholder": "New password", "password2Label": "Conferma password", "password2Placeholder": "Conferma password", "okButton": "Update password", "successTitle": "Password updated", "successMessage": "Your password has been successfully updated", "failedTitle": "Error updating password", "failedMessage": "An unexpected error has occurred while updating your password" } };